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Cooking with my soul: 01.04.2011 - 01.05.2011

Cooking with my soul

29 apr. 2011

Quiche cu ciuperci (Mushroom quiche)

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Pentru crusta 
  • 150 g faina
  • 60 g unt
  • 1 lingurita sare
  • 3-4 linguri de apa rece

Pentru umplutura

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26 apr. 2011

Cozonac umplut (Cozonac - Romanian sweet bread for Easter)

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 Acestia sunt primii mei cozonaci, copti pentru masa de Paste. Sunt facuti cu coca oparita, pentru ca asa tin mai mult. Inainte de a-i face m-am documentat mult, pentru ca nu vroiam sa dau gres. Dar, in final, m-am intors la vechea mea carte de bucate a Silviei Jurcovan (asa cum am vazut si la Laura Laurentiu). Si se pare ca bine am facut :)

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24 apr. 2011

Paste fericit ! (Happy Easter !)

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Hristos a inviat! Va multumesc ca imi vizitati blogul si ca sunteti mereu alaturi de mine. Nu prea ma pricep in ale scrisului, asa ca uneori imi este greu sa exprim toate sentimentele. Prin urmare va spun doar atat: Sa aveti  sarbatori luminate si linistite, inconjurati de cei dragi voua!

Today is Easter for everybody catholic or orthodox. So I wish you Happy Easter! And from Romania, some traditional red egg and cozonac (a type of sweet bread filled with ground walnuts or cacao). 

Thank you for reading my blog and being here with me. I am not a good writer, so I can not express all my feelings, so I tell you only this: Have a blessed and holy Easter, with all who you love gathered around! 


21 apr. 2011

Pasta alla bolognese

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 Si eu, ca marea majoritate a gospodinelor, ma trezesc vineri cu o dilema  existentiala:  Ce sa gatesc in weekend. Bineinteles ca imi intreb sotul ce ar manca. Si in 99 % din cazuri spune: "Ce vrei tu". Apoi imi intreb baiatul. Acelasi raspuns. Cum sa ma descurc fara nici un ajutor? De multe ori ma ajuta internetul, sau cartile mele de bucate {slavite fie ele :)}. De data aceasta, insa, nu mi-a placut nimic din ce am vazut. Vroiam ceva... asa... bun..si nu stiu cum... aromat... si usor de facut... Cine a mai vazut asa o reteta???? Prin urmare m-am intors la dragostea din tinerete, cand nu stiam sa fac prea multe in bucatarie, dar Sosul ragu alla bolognese imi iesea perfect.

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19 apr. 2011

My petit- chef and I: Painici pentru micul dejun (Italian herbs breakfast buns)

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O noua reteta facuta in colaborare cu juniorul. De data aceasta niste painici fara framantare,  cu ierburi italienesti. Aromata si tocmai buna pentru un mic dejun sanatos.

Painicile sunt foarte simplu de facut, pentru ca nu se framanta, coca amestecandu-se cu lingura. Dupa prima crestere, cand le puneti in forma, sa le impingeti putin una in alta, ca sa iasa mai inalte si sa nu se lase.

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17 apr. 2011

Corn cu gem si nuca & De Florii, Hai sa Traiesc! (Happy Name Day, For Me & My Grandma's Walnuts Stuffed Roll)

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Pentru cine nu ma cunoaste inca, eu sunt Brindusa. Brandusele sunt niste flori delicate, care vestesc venirea primaverii odata cu ghioceii. Si pentru ca am intalnit multi oameni care nu stiu cum arata, m-am gandit sa va arat:

Prin urmare, azi e ziua mea. Una din cele 3 pe care le am, pentru ca pe langa ziua de nastere mai port si numele unui sfant. As putea spune ca sunt norocoasa, pentru ca primesc felicitari (si uneori si cadouri) de 3 ori pe an :)))

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15 apr. 2011

Retete pentru Sarbatorile de Pasti (My selection for Easter dinner)

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O selectie a retetelor pe care le puteti face pentru masa de Pasti. Cum eu nu mananc miel, carnea folosita e de pui sau porc.

These is my selection for Easter dinner.  

Oua vopsite si lumanari de Pasti (Easter eggs and candles)

In loc de drob (Chicken liver pate)

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13 apr. 2011

Supa de curcan cu taietei de casa (Turkey soup with homemade pasta)

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O supa rapida si foarte gustoasa, buna sa te scoale dupa boala :))

Ingrediente pentru 8 portii:
  • 1 aripa de curcan, taiata in bucati mai mici
  • 1 gat de curcan
  • 1 picior de curcan cu os, taiat bucati
  • 7 l apa
  • 6 morcovi, curatati, intregi
  • 3 cepe,curatate, intregi
  • 1 radacina patrunjel, curatata, intreaga
  • 1 telina mica, curatata, intreaga,
  • 3 frunze de dafin
  • 1 lingurita boabe piper negru
  • sare, piper dupa gust
  • 250 g taietei de casa

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11 apr. 2011

My petit-chef and I: Quiche cu leurda si branza de burduf (Wild garlic quiche with salty cheese)

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A venit vremea ca bucataria mea sa primeasca un ajutor. Sous- chef- ul meu e antrenat la cele mai inalte scoli  si are o pregatire de elita. Foarte greu l-am convins sa mi se alature, dar in cele din urma am reusit. Sa vi-l prezint:

Aici isi folosea talentele ca sa masoare faina :))))
Prima reteta facuta in cooperare cu sous- chef R (care are 13 ani) este un Quiche de primavara. Adica o tarta sarata, cu leurda.
Am ales sa-l implic si pe R in proiect, pentru ca eu consider ca nu numai fetele trebuie sa stie sa se descurce in bucatarie. Chiar daca la inceput a fost putin mai neindemanatic, a reusit pana sa si intinda foaia de tarta. Sunt mandra de el!

Ingrediente (pentru o tava de 24 cm):

Pentru blat
  • 150 g faina
  • 60 g unt
  • 1 lingurita sare
  • 3-4 linguri de apa rece
Pentru umplutura
  • 2 oua
  • 200 g branza de burduf
  • 200 ml smantana
  • 4 legaturi de leurda
  • 50 g unt
  • piper cu lamaie de la Kotany, dupa gust
  • 1 lingurita maghiran, de la Kotany

Cum se face:
  • Eu am folosit robotul de bucatarie, dar se poate face totul cu mana la fel de bine
  • In cuva robotului pune faina, untul, sarea si 3 linguri de apa rece.

  • Amesteca putin. Daca nu se formeaza o bila de coca mai adauga cate o lingura de apa. Nu amesteca mult, ci numai pana ce coca s-a format.
  • Scoate coca din cuva.
  •  Inveleste-o in folie de plastic si pune-o in frigider minim 30 minute

  • Cand ai scos coca din frigider, incalzeste cuptorul la 190 C
  • Pe masa data putin cu faina intinde coca cu sucitorul, pana cand e destul de mare sa acopere tava de tarta

  •  Pune coca in tava, apasand bine pe curbele de pe margine. Inteapa-i fundul din loc in loc cu o furculita. Pune hartie de copt pe  fundul tartei si umple-o cu boabe de fasole. Modul acesta de a coace tarta se numeste "in orb" si se face asa pentru ca fundul tartei sa nu se umfle si sa se deformeze.

  • Coace tarta 15 minute, nu total
  • In acest timp prepara umplutura: incalzeste untul intr-o tigaie si soteaza putin leurda taiata bucati, pana se inmoaie ( cam 3-4 minute)
  • Bate ouale, apoi amesteca smantana, branza, maghiranul si putin piper.
  • Scoate coaja de tarta din cuptor, si cu grija scoate boabele de fasole si foaia de copt. Pune in ea leurda

  • Toarna deasupra amestecul cu oua 

  • Baga la cuptor pentru 15 minute, la 180 C, sau pana ce umplutura este facuta (nu mai e moale).
  • Cand o scoti din cuptor mai presara putin piper

  • Tarta se poate manca rece sau calda

Pofta buna din partea mea si a  ajutorului de bucatar

English version

It's time for me to have a help in my kitchen. My sous-chef is trained at the most distinguished schools. It was very hard to convince him to join me, but eventually I succeeded. I present to you: sous chef R. You can see him in one of the pictures using his talents to measure flour :)))) 

The first recipe made in cooperation with sous-chef R (which is 13 years old, by the way) is a spring quiche. That is a salt crust with wild garlic filling. 

In the filling I used a special cheese from Romania, called " Brinza de burduf", which according to Wikipedia: "is a salty type of cheese, with sheep's-milk cheese, has a strong flavour and slightly soft in texture. To obtain it, sweet caş is cut into small pieces, salted and then hand-mixed in a large wooden bowl. The mixture is then placed in a sheep’s stomach, or into a sheep’s skin that has been carefully cleaned and sawed on the edges, or in a tube made of pine bark. The cheese can be consumed even if kept for a long time in a sheep’s stomach or in a sheep’s skin. If kept in pine bark, the cheese gets a specific pine resin flavour. The cheese is specific to southeastern Transylvania, Romania" 
Instead of this you can use goat cheese or any salty, soft cheese.

I chose to involve R in this project, because I believe that not only girls should know how to cope in the kitchen. Although at first it was a little clumsy, finally managed even  to stretch the dough. I'm proud of him! 

Ingredients (for a 24 cm tart tray)

 For the dough
  •     150 g flour
  •     60 g butter
  •     1 teaspoon salt
  •     3-4 tablespoons cold water

For the filling
  •     2 eggs
  •     200 g Romanian "brinza de burduf" or goat cheese
  •     200 ml cream
  •     4 bundles of wild garlic
  •     50 g butter
  •     black pepper, to taste
  •     1 teaspoon marjoram

How To:
  • I used my food processor, but can do everything by hand as well
  • In the food processor put flour, butter, salt and 3 tablespoons of cold water.
  •  Mix slightly. If it does not form a ball of dough add one tablespoon of water. Do not mix much, but only until the dough has formed.
  •  Remove dough from bowl.
  • Wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator at least 30 minutes
  • When you remove the dough from the refrigerator, heat oven to 190 C
  • Sprinkle a little flour on the table and stretch the dough until it's big enough to cover the tart tray
  • Place dough in pan, pressing well on the curved edges. Pierce the dough from place to place with a fork. Put parchment paper on the bottom of the tarts and fill it with beans.
  • Bake tart 15 minutes, not total
  • Meanwhile prepare the filling: Heat butter in skillet and saute a little the chopped wild garlic until soft (about 3-4 minutes)
  • Beat eggs, then whisk in the cream, cheese, marjoram and a little pepper.
  • Remove tart from oven and carefully remove the beans and baking sheet. Pour the wild garlic in it
  •  Pour egg mixture over
  •  Bake in oven for 15 minutes at 180 C, or until the stuffing is done (no soft).
  • Sprinkle some black pepper over it
  • You can eat it cold or hot
  Bon apetite from me and my sous chef!

Etichete: , , , , , ,

9 apr. 2011

Bavareza cu ciocolata (Bavarian cream with chocolate)

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Daca vrei un desert usor, cremos si parfumat, o Bavareza e ceea ce cauti.

Ingrediente pentru 6 portii:
  • 2 oua, separate
  • 30 g zahar
  • 1 lingurita zahar vanilat
  • 300 ml lapte
  • 100 g ciocolata, taiata marunt
  • 150 ml frisca
  • 10 g gelatina
Cum se face:
  • Bate galbenusurile cu zaharul si zaharul vanilat, pana se fac ca o spuma
  • Incalzeste laptele si toarna in el amestecul de galbenusuri, amestecand incontinuu.
  • Da focul foarte mic si, amestecand mereu, lasa pana ce amestecul se ingroasa putin. Ai grija sa nu se branzeasca.
  • Ia crema de pe foc si pune ciocolata inauntru. Lasa putin, apoi amesteca sa omogenizezi amestecul.
  • Dizolva gelatina in 4 linguri de apa rece. Incalzeste-o la baia de aburi pana ce se dizolva bine. Pune-o in crema de ciocolata si amesteca bine. Lasa crema pana ajunge la temperatura corpului.
  • Bate bine albusurile. 
  • Cu ajutorul unei spatule amesteca in crema de ciocolata frisca, apoi albusurile batute. Usor, ca sa nu se lase.
  • Toarna crema intr-un castron uns cu unt topit.
  • Lasa la rece peste noapte. Rastoarna crema pe o farfurie si serveste-o rece.

English version:

If you want a light, creamy and sweet dessert, A Bavarian cream is all that you need.

Ingredients for 6 servings:
  •      2 eggs, separated
  •      30 g sugar
  •      1 teaspoon vanilla sugar
  •      300 ml milk
  •      100 g chocolate, chopped
  •      150 ml beaten cream
  •      10 g gelatin

How To:
  •      Beat yolks with sugar and vanilla, until foamy
  •      Heat the milk and add in the yolks, stirring constantly.
  •      Leave over low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens.
  •      Take the cream off the heat and put chocolate inside. Leave a little, then stir until it melts.
  •      Dissolve gelatin in 4 tablespoons of cold water. Heat in a bain-marie and stir to dissolve. Pour it in the chocolate cream and mix well. Let the cream until it reaches body temperature.
  •      Beat the egg whites until stiff.
  •      With a spatula fold in the whipped cream, then the egg whites.
  •      Pour cream into a bowl lightly greased with melted butter.
  •      Leave to cool overnight. Turn out of the mold on a plate and serve .

Etichete: , , , , , ,

8 apr. 2011

Kefir de casa (Homemade kefir)

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Acum vreo 2 saptamani am primit de la prietena mea D cateva ciuperci de kefir (chefir). Ciuperci e putin spus, pentru ca e de fapt o cultura de bacterii si fungi (ciuperci) vie, care trebuie ingrijita ca sa se dezvolte. Coloniile arata ca niste buchetele de conopida.

Pusa in lapte si lasata la temperaturi caldute de 20- 25 C fermenteaza si produce bautura cu acelasi nume: kefir. Culturile cresc in lapte si de aceea, in 2 saptamani cantitatea se va dubla. Ceea ce nu folosesti, doneaza prietenilor tai, ca sa-i faci si pe ei fericiti :) . Daca vrei sa pastrezi cateva zile cultura, o poti pastra in apa, la frigider.

Din ceea ce am citit pe net, kefirul poate fi folosit ca un remediu in unele boli, dar noua ne place mult bautura in sine, asa ca in loc sa cumpar kefir "imbogatit" cu cine stie ce agenti de ingrosare, mai bine il fac eu in casa.

  • 2 linguri cultura de kefir
  • 1 l lapte dulce
Cum se face:
  • Intr-un castron de sticla, lemn sau plastic (nu din metal) pune laptele si culturile de kefir.
  • Acopera cu o farfurie si lasa 24 de ore pe masa din bucatarie., amestecand din cand in cand. Poti lasa mai mult, daca vrei kefirul mai acru.
  • Amestecand cu o lingura (nu de metal) strecoara kefirul printr-o strecuratoare fina.
  • Clateste ciupercile ramase in sita si amesteca-le din nou cu lapte ca sa faci mai departe kefir
  • Pastreaza kefirul in frigider

English version

About 2 weeks ago I received from my friend D some kefir grains, from which a drink with the same name is made. Here in Romania we drink this milk beverage, which has a thick, creamy consistency and tastes a little like yogurt.
Beside its nice taste, kefir is healthy. I found this on net, about it:

"Kefir is a refreshing, probiotic cultured milk drink that originated in the northern Caucasus Mountains many centuries ago. Many aromatic compounds contribute to its unique flavour and distinctive pleasant aroma. Kefir has a slight natural carbonated effervescence, and contains between 0.08 - 2 % alcohol

Kefir is unlike most other dairy products because it is easily digestible and contains little sugar (lactose), especially if you let it ferment for a longer period. The proteins in the milk are also broken down, and are virtually in a pre-digested state. I drink it on its own, as a meal in itself, and a source of protein. Some people combine it with fruit or muesli, or use it to make a smoothie. The whey makes a great starter for sourdough breads, cakes, and all forms of baking. If, like most people, you have a damaged digestive system, a glass of kefir is a soothing and healing product. You may find that during the hours after drinking it, your stomach feels settled and stable.
Unlike yogurt, kefir contains around thirty strains of bacteria and yeast, including lactobacillus bacteria. The culture comes in little translucent balls called grains, though these grains have nothing to do with any kind of cereal. It has anti-tumour properties, preventing the development of metastasis. It is an anti-inflammatory and is an excellent stimulant for your immune system. The grains produce their own antibiotics. Kefir is rich in minerals and vitamins, particularly the B group, and vitamin K2. Kefir slows the aging process and has many healing properties, helping with heart and artery disease, lowering cholesterol levels and regulating blood pressure. It assists your digestive system, healing the liver, kidneys, spleen, pancreas, gall bladder and stomach ulcers, and soothing your digestive and urinary tracts"

I don't know if it does these all, but it worth try it.

How to make KEFIR:
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of kefir grains with 1 l milk, in a non- metallic container.
  • Cover the container with a plate and leave it 24 h on the kitchen table.
  • Using a non- metallic strainer, strain the drink. Clean the grains under water. 
  • Use the grains again.
  • Kefir grains grow in milk, so if you have too many make happy your friends, and donate them.
  • You can keep the grains under water, in the fridge, if not used.

Etichete: , , , , ,

6 apr. 2011

Pui cu usturoi la cuptor (Roasted chicken, potatoes and garlic)

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Oricat m-am ferit toata iarna, raceala  m-a ajuns si pe mine. Abia m-am ridicat din pat ca sa fac ceva de mancare pentru baietii mei.

Ingrediente pentru 3 persoane:
  • 3 copane de pui
  • 3 cartofi mari, curatati si taiati in 4
  • 15 catei de usturoi, necuratati
  • 3 linguri ulei de masline
  • 50 ml apa
  • sare, piper dupa gust
Cum se face:
  • Incalzeste cuptorul la 200 C
  • Pune intr-o tava puiul, cartofii si usturoiul
  • Toarna apa, stropeste cu uleiul si presara sare si piper
  • Coace in cuptor, pe gratarul din mijloc, 15 minute
  • Pentru urmatoarele 15 minute muta tava mai sus, ca sa se aureasca frumos. 
  • Scoate usturoiul din coaja si paseaza-l impreuna cu putin din uleiul din tava.
  • Serveste cate 1 copan de pui cu 4 bucati de cartofi si putin sos de usturoi.

English version

This weekend I was sick with a cold. All winter I run from it, but I couldn't hide. I was sneezing, and feeling miserable. So, for my boys  it cooked something very fast.

Ingredients for 3 persons:
  •      3 chicken whole legs
  •      3 large potatoes, peeled and cut into 4
  •      15 cloves garlic, unpeeled
  •      3 tablespoons olive oil
  •      50 ml water
  •      salt and pepper to taste

How To:
  •      Preheat oven to 200 C
  •      Put in a pan chicken, potatoes and garlic
  •      Pour water, drizzle with oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper
  •      Bake in oven on middle rack 15 minutes
  •      For the next 15 minutes move the tray up, to golden the meat and potatoes
  •      Peel the garlic and mash it with a bit of oil from the the pan.
  •      Serve each chicken legs with four pieces of potato and garlic sauce.

Etichete: ,

4 apr. 2011

Supa cu linte rosie si lapte de cocos (Red Lentil Coconut Milk Soup)

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Cred ca pana acum, cine ma viziteaza mai des a inteles ca pe langa briose, supele sunt o constanta in meniul familiei mele. De aceea incerc sa le diversific cat pot de mult. Pentru astazi am pregatit o supa thai, putin picanta de la ardeiul iute, putin acra de la zeama de lamaie si foarte aromata de la laptele de cocos.

Cat despre laptele de cocos, vreau sa va spun ce tzeapa am luat cumparandu-l pe cel care se gaseste in magazinele Cora, marca Shan' shi (e intr-o conserva metalica rosie). Cea mai mare porcarie pe care am vazut-o. Nu am citit eticheta cand l-am cumparat, dar cand l-am deschis in loc sa gasesc lapte de cocos am gasit o pasta albicioasa, fara nici un lichid. Asta pentru ca e plin cu agenti de ingrosare. N-o sa mai cumpar niciodata si nici pe voi nu va sfatuiesc sa luati. Cel mai mult imi place laptele de cocos de la Mega Image, in cutiute de carton. Pe acela l-am folosit aici. De asemenea si pasta de lemongrass tot de la Mega Image o am.

Ingrediente pentru 8 persoane:
  • 3 linguri ulei de porumb
  • 3 cepe mari, rosii (sau albe, dar cu ceapa rosie arata mai frumos), taiate marunt
  • 4 catei de usturoi, feliati
  • 1 lingurita pasta lemongrass (sau 4 cm lemongrass taiata marunt)
  • 1 ardei iute uscat, fara seminte (sau cu seminte daca iti place foarte iute)
  • 500 g linte rosie, spalata
  • 2 lingurite coriandru praf
  • 1 lingurita boia iute de ardei
  • 500 ml lapte de cocos (poti pune pana la 700 ml)
  • 2 l supa clara de pui/vita/legume 
  • 2 l apa
  • sucul de la 2 lamai
  • 5 cepe verzi, taiate marunt
  • optional: patrunjel taiat marunt
  • sare, piper dupa gust
Cum se face:
  • Incalzeste uleiul intr-o oala de 6 l si adauga ceapa, usturoiul si ardeiul iute. Amesteca la foc mic cam 5 minute, pana cand se inmoaie. Ai grija sa nu se arda.
  • Adauga pasta de lemongrass, praful de coriandru si lintea. Amesteca putin.
  • Toarna laptele de cocos, supa si apa. Amesteca bine. Mareste focul, pana ce supa incepe sa fiarba. Da focul mic si lasa sa fiarba 30 - 40 minute, pana ce toate legumele sunt gata. 
  • Gusta de sare si piper. Ia de pe foc. Pune ceapa verde, zeama de lamaie si patrunjelul.
  • Se serveste calda cu paine naan

English version

If you read my blog, you already noticed that beside the cupcakes, the soups are part of our daily meals. That is why I am always searching for new recipes. For today I coked a Thai one, which is spicy from chilli, sour from lemon and richly flavored from the coconut milk. It is substantial, so is almost a meal in itself. Serve it with some naan bread.

Ingredients for 8 servings: 
  • 3 tablespoons corn oil 
  • 3 large onions, red (or yellow, but looks beautiful with red onions), finely chopped
  • 4 cloves garlic, sliced
  • 4 cm lemongrass, finely sliced
  • 1 dried chili peppers, seeded, chopped (or with seeds if you like very hot) 
  • 500g red lentils, washed
  • 2 tsp coriander powder
  • 1 tsp chilli powder
  • 500 ml coconut milk (you can put up to 700 ml)
  • 2 liters chicken / beef / vegetable broth
  • 2 l water
  • juice of 2 lemons
  • 5 green onions, finely chopped
  • Optional: chopped parsley
  • salt and pepper to taste

How to:
  • Heat the oil in a 6 l pan. Add onions, garlic, chilli and lemongrass. Cook 5 min, stirring from time to time, until the onion have softened (attention not to brown it)
  • Add the lentils and the spices. Pour in the coconut milk, the broth and the water. Mix well. Bring to the boil. Simmer for 30 - 40 min, or until the lentils are soft and mushy.
  • Add the spring onions, lemon juice and chopped parsley. Season with salt and pepper. 
  • Serve hot, with naan bread

Etichete: , ,

1 apr. 2011

Briose cu piure de castane (Chestnuts puree cupcakes)

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Ingrediente pentru 30 briose:
  • 300 g faina
  • 200 g unt
  • 100 g ciocolata amaruie
  • 1 borcan de 350 g piure de castane, indulcit
  • 1 lingura rom
  • 3 oua
  • 150 g zahar (daca piureul de castane nu e indulcit, poti pune pana la 250 g )
  • 1 lingurita praf de copt
  • 150 ml lapte

Cum se face:
  • Pregateste tavile pentru briose. Incalzeste cuptorul la 190 C
  •  Amesteca faina cu praful de copt
  • Topeste untul la foc mic. Pune in el ciocolata taiata mic si lasa 3 minute. Cu o lingura amesteca, pana ce ciocolata e topita.
  • Scoate piureul de castane din borcan si amesteca-l cu romul

  • Intr-un castron bate 5 minute (cu un mixer) ouale cu zaharul
  • In oua toarna in fir subtire ciocolata, amestecand cu mixerul.
  • Amesteca piureul de castane

  •  Adauga 1/2 din faina, apoi laptele, apoi restul de faina, amestecand dupa fiecare.
  • Pune cate 1 lingura de coca in formele de briose. 

  • Coace 20 minute. Raceste briosele pe gratar.

English version

Ingredients for 30 muffins:

     * 300 g flour
     * 200 g butter
     * 100 g dark chocolate
     * 1 jar of 350 g chestnut puree, sweetened
     * 1 tablespoon rum
     * 3 eggs
     * 150 g sugar (if chestnut puree is not sweetened, you can put up to 250 g)
     * 1 teaspoon baking powder
     * 150 ml milk

How To:

     * Prepare muffin trays. Preheat oven to 190 C
     * Mix flour with baking powder
     * Melt butter over low heat. Put chopped chocolate in butter and leave three minutes. With a spoon stir until chocolate is melted.
     * Remove the chestnuts puree from the jar and mix it with rum
     * In a bowl, beat 5 minutes (with a mixer) the eggs with sugar
     * Pour chocolate over eggs, slowly, beating with a mixer.
     * Mix in chestnut puree
     * Add half the flour, then milk, then remaining flour, stirring after each.
     * Put 1 teaspoon of dough into muffin tins.
     * Bake 20 minutes. Cool muffins on the grill.

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